The Melancholy Spirit
Dry monsoon, flowerless spring,
leafless falls, and windless winter,
I have seen it all.
But now I am cursed
with lifeless lines and charmless words,
my metaphors have abandoned me.
Meanings are becoming obnoxious
Meanings are becoming obnoxious
and ideas are thoughtless.
No subtle hint of rhymes
and no sign of similes.
The pen filled with ink now bleeds red.
The little bird of hope and happiness
that once inspired magniloquence
is now flying away with its brood.
I wanted to fly with the wind
and drench in the drizzle.
But now the storm
haunts me from deep inside.
A light that the halcyon lit
is now ensconcing to darkness
to which it was once entwined before.
The tapestry of dreams,
grey in shade, but take away
the bright weft and
it is gonna be night again.
A perpetual night with petrified
nightmares and eternal agony.
Please save me before I fall again,
please save me before I drown again.
My mind was once cold.
It had only begun to feel warmth.
Save me from those
Save me from those
eternal winters and infinite stillness.
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