The meaning of life
Recently, this thought just started to bother me. What is the meaning of life? I don’t know if there is a destiny for everyone. I am a skeptical rationalist who does not place much faith in fate or God. But I will not recommend others to do so. Because some people can find peace in such thoughts. After all, I am not entirely sure if there is a god or not. Peace of mind is the most important aspect of human life. At least that is how I perceive it. The mind is the real entity that decides the harmony of existence. Can we control the mind, so that we can have some harmony?
The mind is like an antlion pit. The harder you try to control it, the deeper it falls into its darkness. At the bottom, there is nothing but a monster waiting to devour all that you are. At times, one might hope they are about to escape the pit. But there is no escape. The sand will slip through your footing, and the fall will make the monster's job easier. It is easy to lose balance in this ever so chaotic sand. But is it the end? No, of course, miracles can happen at any time. It's just they are less likely to strike. One can hope for the best. But like I said before, hope is just an illusion. A veil of light that is woven above the pit to give a false notion that someone is watching and that there would be a better life after this. But that is just a cracked-up idea fed to the minds of simple humans. It is a cruel and lame jock. There is nothing more to it. Always an illusion, vagaries of perceptions driving sanity out of existence. That is all there is to it.
Life is difficult. Sometimes I wonder if life is all about the effort to escape this gaping pit of death. It is a valid thought for sure. No one will argue life is easy. Life has shown its extremities to everyone. Nobody has it easier than anyone else, and no one has it more difficult than others. Everyone sure thinks that life is harsh for them compared to others. So the question is, can we be content that it is the same for everyone and there is nothing to complain about? The simple answer is' no’. The human mind is designed to look for what lies beyond. That is what enabled our ascension as the dominant species of the Earth. It means we will never stop looking for better. Also, we all have a bit of narcissism inside us. Most of us would not consider someone to be superior to us. And thus, most of us will feel like our problems are above the world. There is nothing wrong with that. After all, our problems will always be greater for us.
The mind is an uncontrollable entity. So many people fail to control their own lives. It is very difficult indeed. But some succeed where others have failed. They have achieved what most people failed to comprehend; control over the mind. In other words, such people have mastered their emotions. They know not to climb the sandpit of the antlion. They have a better sense, of waiting out for the perfect opportunity. These are the ones that turn the tables against the antlion. Instead of trying to climb up through the tangled sand, they bore down to find the monster. But the existence of such people increases the expectations for normal people.
Expectations can breed disappointment. Not everyone achieves everything. I know most people will not agree with me here. But I strongly believe that hard work alone can not take someone to the top. To reach the top, a combination of hard work and talent is needed. They can both survive alone. But, only together, can they reach the top. Successful people are mostly like them. The mind that needs success in life but does not have either hard work or talent is going to be disappointed. After the disappointment, comes depression. Depression is something our antlion monster uses to its advantage. It is easier to slip if you are depressed. The gaping pit of death is all there is for such people. I have always wondered if there is room for hope.
There is nothing wrong with having hope. But too much hope and too little realization of this hope can only fuel already looming depression. So what is it that we need to be happy? I honestly can’t conclude. All I have are unanswered questions. Maybe someone will come with answers. As I said, there is nothing wrong with hope. But I need to search as well. Can’t leave everything in the hands of fate. Maybe that is the recipe for success. Defying the consequences of fate and creating own path. A path thus created will always be unique. Only the one who carved this path can walk through effortlessly.
Building a path is no easy task though. Especially since this is an uncharted path leading through the thicks and thins of dark landscapes. There are mysterious jungles, storming oceans, raging rivers, deadly swamps, and all sorts of nasties. Sounds like an adventure. I think that is how I need to see life; as a grand adventure, full of twists and turns. Life is a passage through time conquering these difficult metaphorical landscapes. One who crossed all this terrain is sure going to be tough. He will have no difficulty dealing with the antlion. After all, what is fire, for those who swim through blazing stars?
A lill nastie in the Adventure here. 😎
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